The R4i card can give you additional memory to use for all of your gaming needs

Anyone who owns a Nintendo DS knows how annoying it can be to sort through dozens of game cartridges just to find the one game that you want to play. It can be worrisome as well, as game cartridges can be rather delicate and if you inadvertently break one, you'll need to replace the entire cartridge before you can play that game again. The way to get around this would be to turn to a R4 DS adapter to help you store your games on one single cartridge, giving you a varied selection that can be easily accessed.

When you use an R4 card, you will be able to store all of your favorite games within one slim memory card. The R4I card can give you additional memory to use for all of your gaming needs. Instead of worrying about how you'll ever take all of your favorite games with you, you can easily use one of these compact cards to carry an entire library with your Nintendo DS wherever you happen to go.

The typical R4 card was the first type of memory card invented to work with a DS adapter to give you expanded memory and the ability to carry games around without the cartridges. These cards were reliable for any user, although they were rather limited because they could carry only up to 2 GB of data. Since the initial production of the R4 card, however, expanded cards have become available. The R4I card itself is a superior form of the original, giving any user the ability to store up to 32 GB of data within.

Should you decide to look for an R4 adapter card to use with your DS, you will need to consider all of the different options which are available. While the sizes of the cards will escalate in size, you could also potentially find DS cards which are made from outside manufacturers. This is something you will want to be very careful about, as these "fake" R4 and R4I cards may not be made up to the high quality standards that the originals were produced at. If you plan on using adapter cards with your DS, you will want to make sure that they will be cards that you can rely upon, ones that will protect your information and not potentially spoil it.

You will be able to use a DS adapter for a lot more than simply playing games, though, which is a mistake that most people who own a DS never realize that they are making. When you use the R4I card or its smaller counterpart, you will be able to turn your DS into a multimedia player, one that can give you the ability to surf the Internet, watch converted movies, or listen to music without troubles. Special applications can be loaded to the DS which will allow you to do even more than just playing the games that you purchase. This makes the DS into a great tool which can replace any other electronics you use in a day!

r4i cards are considered to be the precursor to the more advanced R4I cards now on the market, although both can expand the capabilities of your Nintendo DS. Find these cards on NDS-Gear and expand the function of your favorite gaming console!
Par yanglinghui le samedi 09 avril 2011


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